For their inaugural guest exhibition of sculptures at Kazerne Dossin, Perbal/Bélibaste drew inspiration from a poignant family narrative: their grandfather's courageous act of harboring six Jewish individuals during the war. Sadly, both the refugees and their grandfather were arrested and deported, leaving an indelible trauma on the family.

In preparation for the exhibition, the artists engaged in conversations with first- and second-generation witnesses within their familial and social circles. They discovered that war trauma can be inherited, passed down through generations like an enduring mark. However, many from the younger generation find it challenging to articulate or even acknowledge these experiences.

As their exploration deepened, broader questions emerged: What is the impact of war on childhood development? How do such traumas shape subsequent lives? Can unprocessed war memories be transmitted across generations? Most importantly, what role can society play in addressing these issues?

The exhibition comprises three parts. The first segment showcases a dozen sculptures, conveying emotions that defy verbal expression with pure simplicity. These works gradually transition into a hopeful second part, focusing on the processing of traumatic memories. The concluding piece envisages a compassionate world where children are spared the burden of soul-wrenching scars, instead nurtured back to resilience and wonderment in life.

The artists advocate for therapeutic support for children affected by war worldwide—a call to action resonating throughout their poignant exhibition.

Click here for more details.



Foto credits David Legrève